【NEWS】American Football 新作『American Football (LP3)』よりParamoreのHayley Williams参加の「Uncomfortably Numb (ft. Hayley Williams)」を先行公開 & MV公開

3/20に新作『American Football (LP3)』を日本先行リリースするAmerican Footballは22日、「Uncomfortably Numb (ft. Hayley Williams)」を先行公開した。
ParamoreのHayley Williamsが参加しているこの楽曲は、現在各種サイトにて配信が行われている。
「Uncomfortably Numb (ft. Hayley Williams)」
Director Atiba Jefferson
Producer Paige Dorian
Production Supervisor Aubree Reda
Location Manager Brian Culp
AD Farand Heydari
Director of Photography Ty Evans
Camera Operator Cleigh Reed
Editor Cleigh Reed
Post Cleigh Reed
1st AC Mike Poore
Lead Gaffer Levi Trent Williams
Key Grip Kevin Denning
Lighting Equipment Donated by JJC Lighting
Prop Stylist Angelika Reinhardt
Production Assistant Chris Null
Groomer Amy Chance
Mike Kinsella
Steve Lamos
Blake Anderson
Paul Rodriguez Jr
London May
Ingrid Schram
『American Football (LP3)』/ American Football
レーベル:Tugboat Records Inc.
【Track List】
1. Silhouettes
2. Every Wave To Ever Rise (ft. Elizabeth Powell)
3. Uncomfortably Numb (ft. Hayley Williams)
4. Heir Apparent
5. Doom in Full Bloom
6. I Can’t Feel You (ft. Rachel Goswell)
7. Mine To Miss
8. Life Support
2019.1.24 11:20
カテゴリ:NEWS タグ:american football, emo, indei rock, post rock, USA