【NEWS】The Drums『There Is Nothing Left (TOKiMONSTA Remix)』公開
TOKiMONSTAは14日、The Drumsの最新アルバム「Encyclopedia」収録曲「There Is Nothing Left」のRemix『There Is Nothing Left (TOKiMONSTA Remix)』をsoundcloudで公開。
indie rock meets LA Beat Musicという異色のとりあわせ。
『Encyclopedia』/ The Drums
販売元:Tugboat Records Inc.
【Track List】
01. Magic Mountain
02. I Can’t Pretend
03. I Hope Times Doesn’t Change Him
04. Kiss Me Again
05. Let Me
06. Break My Heart
07. Face Of God
08. U.S. National Park
09. Deep In My Heart
10. Bell Laboratories
11. There Is Nothing Left
12. Wild Geese
13. The Rules of Your Life (Bonus Track)
14. We Found It (Bonus Track)
2015.7.19 13:08
カテゴリ:NEWS タグ:the drums, tokimonsta, USA
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